It’s super important to look after your teeth.
Good oral hygiene isn't just necessary for preventing certain diseases and cancers; it can also ensure your teeth stay looking their best and protect them from cavities and decay.
Aside from visiting the dentist twice a year for a check-up and clean, there’s plenty you can do at home to maintain healthy teeth and healthy gums.
1. Change Your Toothbrush Regularly
Your toothbrush (or brush head) should be changed as regularly as every 3 months. This is due to the bristles breaking down over time and becoming less effective for removing plaque.
The bristles also create the perfect environment for bacteria and fungi to grow (due to the moist conditions), so you should change it immediately after you’ve been sick to avoid future infections.
Look After Your Toothbrush
Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each use and store vertically so the thistles can air-dry.
2. Practise Proper Brushing Technique
We know we’re meant to brush twice a day for two minutes each time, but are you doing it properly?
Take the time to brush carefully and cover all the areas, crevices and cracks in your teeth to ensure they’re getting a proper clean.
Remember: proper brushing doesn’t mean brushing more ferociously. In fact, brushing too hard can hurt your gums and result in them receding. Brush carefully and use a soft bristled brush if necessary. And don’t neglect your back teeth!
3. Eat Good-For-Your-Teeth Foods
Diet plays a big part in keeping your teeth healthy due to the nutrients and vitamins found in different foods. For healthy teeth and gums, start stocking the pantry with these goodies.
The crunchy texture of an apple triggers a combination of chewing and saliva, which works to gently scrub away stains on your teeth.
Cheese and other dairy products contain calcium, a chemical element that is necessary for healthy teeth. Calcium helps to strengthen tooth enamel and restore lost minerals.
Leafy Greens and Vegetables
Leafy greens and veggies are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that promote healthy gums and keep tooth enamel strong. Some veggies such as broccoli even aid in whitening your teeth!
4. Drink Plenty of Water
Aside from all the obvious benefits water offers your body like hydration, toxin flushing and boosting energy, water is also pivotal for oral health.
Water helps to remove food particles from the teeth and maintain high levels of saliva which fights against tooth decay. So make sure you’re swishing down water after every meal – particularly after sugary snacks.
5. Keep Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing your teeth should just be one part of your oral hygiene routine. You can make a big difference to your dental health with the addition of a few products in the bathroom cabinet.
Floss Your Teeth
There’s a reason your dentist is always asking if you’ve flossed your teeth. Brushing really can’t clean all the gaps in between your teeth, and neglecting this area can lead to a build up of debris and plaque. Floss every time you brush and your teeth will thank you for it!
Rinse with an Antiseptic Mouthwash
An antiseptic mouthwash will clean your entire mouth, including your teeth, tongue, gums, and mouth walls.
Chew Sugarless Gum
While there are gums formulated to fight cavity, chewing any kind of sugarless gum helps remove food particles from the teeth and stimulate saliva production.
Are you doing all the right things but your teeth still aren’t the pearly white you want? SmilePro Worldwide have the best teeth whitening kits on the market so get that brighter smile today!